Generalization error for multi-class margin classification
Generalization of the Borel-Cantelli Lemma
Generalization of usual capability indices for unilateral tolerances
Generalizations of the Familywise Error Rate
Generalized Arithmetic and Geometric Mean Divergence Measure and their Statistical Aspects
Generalized bootstrap for estimating equations
Generalized density clustering
Generalized Error Exponents for Sparse Sample Goodness of Fit Tests
Generalized extreme shock models with a possibly increasing threshold
Generalized functional linear models
Generalized Hoeffding-Sobol Decomposition for Dependent Variables -Application to Sensitivity Analysis
Generalized hyper Markov laws for directed acyclic graphs
Generalized Likelihood Ratio Statistics and Uncertainty Adjustments in Efficient Adaptive Design of Clinical Trials
Generalized madogram and pairwise dependence of maxima over two regions of a random field
Generalized Non-Symmetric Divergence Measures and Inequalities
Generalized Species Sampling Priors with Latent Beta reinforcements
Generalized Symmetric Divergence Measures and Inequalities
Generalizing Benford's law using power laws: application to integer sequences
Generalizing Simes' test and Hochberg's stepup procedure
Generating French virtual commuting network at municipality level