Estimating level sets of a distribution function using a plug-in method: a multidimensional extension
Estimating linear functionals in nonlinear regression with responses missing at random
Estimating marginal survival function by adjusting for dependent censoring using many covariates
Estimating Ratios of Normalizing Constants Using Linked Importance Sampling
Estimating the bias of a noisy coin
Estimating the causal effect of a time-varying treatment on time-to-event using structural nested failure time models
Estimating the Causal Effects of Marketing Interventions Using Propensity Score Methodology
Estimating the degree of activity of jumps in high frequency data
Estimating the distribution of treatment effects
Estimating the Fractal Dimension of the S&P 500 Index using Wavelet Analysis
Estimating the Gumbel scale parameter for local alignment of random sequences by importance sampling with stopping times
Estimating the intensity of a random measure by histogram type estimators
Estimating the J function without edge correction
Estimating the joint distribution of independent categorical variables via model selection
Estimating the Null and the Proportion of non-Null effects in Large-scale Multiple Comparisons
Estimating the number of classes
Estimating the Number of Components in a Mixture of Multilayer Perceptrons
Estimating the number of zero-one multi-way tables via sequential importance sampling
Estimating the p-variation index of a sample function: An application to financial data set
Estimating the Parameters of Binomial and Poisson Distributions via Multistage Sampling