Evaluation of Formal posterior distributions via Markov chain arguments
Evaluation of per-record identification risk and swappability of records in a microdata set via decomposable models
Exact bounds on the closeness between the Student and standard normal distributions
Exact calculations for false discovery proportion with application to least favorable configurations
Exact Computation of Minimum Sample Size for Estimating Proportion of Finite Population
Exact Computation of Minimum Sample Size for Estimation of Binomial Parameters
Exact Computation of Minimum Sample size for Estimation of Poisson Parameters
Exact distribution of the sample variance from a gamma parent distribution
Exact local Whittle estimation of fractional integration
Exact maximum likelihood estimators for drift fractional Brownian motions
Exact minimax risk for density estimators in non-integer Sobolev classes
Exact Moderate and Large Deviations for Linear Processes
Exact oracle inequality for a sharp adaptive kernel density estimator
Exact properties of Efron's biased coin randomization procedure
Exact Reconstruction using Beurling Minimal Extrapolation
Existence and construction of randomization defining contrast subspaces for regular factorial designs
Existence of the signal in the signal plus background model
Expectiles for subordinated Gaussian processes with applications
Expertises : procédures statistiques d'aide à la décision
Explicit expressions for the variogram of first--order intrinsic autoregressions