Detection of correlations
Detection of non-constant long memory parameter
Detection of objects in noisy images and site percolation on square lattices
Detection of objects in noisy images based on percolation theory
Detection of sparse variable functions
Detection of spatial clustering with average likelihood ratio test statistics
Determination of Different Biological Factors on the Base of Dried Blood Spot Technology
Determining full conditional independence by low-order conditioning
Determining the dimension of iterative Hessian transformation
Deviation Optimal Learning using Greedy Q-aggregation
Differentiability of M-functionals of location and scatter based on t likelihoods
Differential cumulants, hierachical models and monomial ideals
Dimension adaptability of Gaussian process models with variable selection and projection
Dimension reduction based on constrained canonical correlation and variable filtering
Dimension reduction for nonelliptically distributed predictors
Direct pivotal predictive inference
Directions and projective shapes
Dirichlet mean identities and laws of a class of subordinators
Discrete chain graph models
Discrete Component Analysis