Connecting tables with zero-one entries by a subset of a Markov basis
Consistance d'un estimateur de minimum de variance étendue
Consistencies and rates of convergence of jump-penalized least squares estimators
Consistency and application of moving block bootstrap for non-stationary time series with periodic and almost periodic structure
Consistency and efficiency of Bayesian estimators in generalised linear inverse problems
Consistency and robustness of kernel-based regression in convex risk minimization
Consistency of a needlet spectral estimator on the sphere
Consistency of a recursive estimate of mixing distributions
Consistency of Bayes estimators of a binary regression function
Consistency of Bayesian Linear Model Selection With a Growing Number of Parameters
Consistency of Bayesian procedures for variable selection
Consistency of cross validation for comparing regression procedures
Consistency of functional learning methods based on derivatives
Consistency of Markov chain quasi-Monte Carlo on continuous state spaces
Consistency of maximum-likelihood and variational estimators in the Stochastic Block Model
Consistency of objective Bayes factors as the model dimension grows
Consistency of Random Survival Forests
Consistency of restricted maximum likelihood estimators of principal components
Consistency of Sparse PCA in High Dimension, Low Sample Size Contexts
Consistency of spectral clustering