Complete enumeration of two-Level orthogonal arrays of strength $d$ with $d+2$ constraints
Complex bimatrix variate generalised beta distributions
Complex Datasets and Inverse Problems. Tomography, Networks and Beyond
Complex-Valued Best Linear Unbiased Estimator of an Unknown Constant Mean of White Noise
Complexity regularization for nonlinear inverse problems
Complexity regularization via localized random penalties
Component selection and smoothing in multivariate nonparametric regression
Composite quantile regression and the oracle Model Selection Theory
Compound and scale mixture of vector and spherical matrix variate elliptical distributions
Compound decision in the presence of proxies with an application to spatio-temporal data
Compound Markov counting processes and their applications to modeling infinitesimally over-dispersed systems
Compound Poisson and signed compound Poisson approximations to the Markov binomial law
Compressible Distributions for High-dimensional Statistics
Compressive Phase Retrieval From Squared Output Measurements Via Semidefinite Programming
Computation of Power Loss in Likelihood Ratio Tests for Probability Densities Extended by Lehmann Alternatives
Computational approaches for empirical Bayes methods and Bayesian sensitivity analysis
Computer-intensive rate estimation, diverging statistics and scanning
Computing all roots of the likelihood equations of seemingly unrelated regressions
Computing Bayesian predictive distributions: The K-square and K-prime distributions
Computing maximum likelihood estimates in recursive linear models with correlated errors