Bootstrap consistency for general semiparametric $M$-estimation
Bootstrap for neural model selection
Bootstrap for the Sample Mean and for U-Statistics of Mixing and Near Epoch Dependent Processes
Bootstrap of means under stratified sampling
Bootstrapping confidence intervals for the change-point of time series
Bootstrapping the Grenander estimator
Both necessary and sufficient conditions for Bayesian exponential consistency
Boundary crossing Random Walks, clinical trials and multinomial sequential estimation
Bounded divergence measures based on Bhattacharyya coefficient
Bounding and estimating an exceedance probability in output from monotonous computer codes
Bounding Standard Gaussian Tail Probabilities
Bounds for Bayesian order identification with application to mixtures
Bounds for Rademacher Processes via Chaining
Bounds for the covariance of functions of infinite variance stable random variables with applications to central limit theorems and wavelet-based estimation
Bounds on coverage probabilities of the empirical likelihood ratio confidence regions
Bounds smaller than the Fisher information for generalized linear models
Break detection in the covariance structure of multivariate time series models
Breakdown and groups
Breakdown points for maximum likelihood estimators of location-scale mixtures
Brief history of the Lehmann Symposia: Origins, goals and motivation