Asymptotic minimaxity of False Discovery Rate thresholding for sparse exponential data
Asymptotic near-efficiency of the "Gibbs-energy and empirical-variance" estimating functions for fitting Matern models to a dense (noisy) series
Asymptotic normality and consistency of a two-stage generalized least squares estimator in the growth curve model
Asymptotic normality and valid inference for Gaussian variational approximation
Asymptotic normality for deconvolution kernel density estimators from random fields
Asymptotic normality for estimators of the additive regression components under random censorship
Asymptotic normality of a nonparametric estimator of sample coverage
Asymptotic normality of extreme value estimators on $C[0,1]$
Asymptotic normality of Hill Estimator for truncated data
Asymptotic normality of kernel estimates in a regression model for random fields
Asymptotic normality of kernel type deconvolution estimators
Asymptotic normality of maximum likelihood estimator for cooperative sequential adsorption
Asymptotic normality of the $L_k$-error of the Grenander estimator
Asymptotic Normality of the Additive Regression Components for Continuous Time Processes
Asymptotic normality of the deconvolution kernel density estimator under the vanishing error variance
Asymptotic normality of the mixture density estimator in a disaggregation scheme
Asymptotic normality of the Parzen-Rosenblatt density estimator for strongly mixing random fields
Asymptotic normality of the Quasi Maximum Likelihood Estimator for multidimensional causal processes
Asymptotic normality of wavelet estimators of the memory parameter for linear processes
Asymptotic operating characteristics of an optimal change point detection in hidden Markov models