Universal construction of W_{p,q} algebras
Universal coverings of Lie tori (A finite presentation)
Universal coverings of Steinberg Lie algebras of small characteristic
Universal Deformation Formulae for Three-Dimensional Solvable Lie groups
Universal Deformation Formulae, Symplectic Lie groups and Symmetric Spaces
Universal Enveloping Algebra and Differential Calculi on Orthogonal q-groups
Universal Enveloping Algebras of Braided m-Lie Algebras
Universal Enveloping Algebras of PBW Type
Universal KZB equations I: the elliptic case
Universal measuring coalgebras and R - transformation algebras
Universal R-matrices for finite Abelian groups -- a new look at graded multilinear algebra
Universal R-matrix for esoteric quantum group
Universal R-matrix formalism for the spin Calogero-Moser system and its difference counterpart
Universal R-matrix Of The Super Yangian Double DY(gl(1|1))
Universal rings arising in geometry and group theory
Universal T-matrix for Twisted Quantum gl(N)
Universal T-matrix, Representations of OSp_q(1/2) and Little Q-Jacobi Polynomials
Universal Vassiliev invariants of links in coverings of 3-manifolds
Universal Verma modules and the Misra-Miwa Fock space
Universal weight systems and the Melvin-Morton expansion of the colored Jones knot invariant