D-brane conformal field theory and bundles of conformal blocks
D-modules and Darboux transformations
D-polynomials and Taylor formula in quantum calculus
De Rham Cohomology and Hodge decomposition for Quantum Groups
De Rham Complex for Quantized Irreducible Flag Manifolds
Decomplexification of the Capelli identities and holomorphic factorization
Decomposition of $q$-deformed Fock spaces
Decomposition of some pointed Hopf algebras given by the canonical Nakayama automorphism
Decomposition of the adjoint representation of the small quantum $sl_2$
Decomposition of the Turaev-Viro TQFT
Decomposition of the vertex operator algebra V_{\sqrt{2}A_3}
Decomposition of the vertex operator algebra V_{\sqrt{2}D_l}
Decomposition results for Gram matrix determinants
Decompositions of the Moonshine Module with respect to subVOAs associated to codes over $\Z_{2k}$
Decorated Geometric Crystals, Polyhedral and Monomial Realizations of Crystal Bases
Decorated tangles and canonical bases
Decoupling Braided Tensor Factors
Decoupling of Tensor factors in Cross Product and Braided Tensor Product Algebras
Decoupling of Translations from Homogeneous Transformations in Inhomogeneous Quantum Groups
Deformation by cocycles of pointed Hopf algebras over non-abelian groups