Galois actions by finite quantum groupoids
Galois and biGalois objects over monomial non semisimple Hopf algebras
Galois extension for a compact quantum group
Galois extensions for coquasi-Hopf algebras
Galois extensions over commutative and non-commutative base
Galois reconstruction of finite quantum groups
Galois theory for bialgebroids, depth two and normal Hopf subalgebras
Galois Theory for H-extensions and H-coextensions
Galois theory of fuchsian q-difference equations
Galois Theory of Hopf Galois Extensions
Galois theory of q-difference equations
Garside structure on monoids with quadratic square-free relations
Gaudin Hamiltonians generate the Bethe algebra of a tensor power of vector representation of gl_N
Gaudin model and opers
Gaudin models with irregular singularities
Gauge deformations for Hopf algebras with the dual Chevalley property
Gauge theory on nonassociative spaces
Gauge transformations and quasitriangularity
Gauge transformations on locally trivial quantum principal fibre bundles
Gauged Laplacians on quantum Hopf bundles