Projective Systems of Imprimitivity
Projectively and conformally invariant star-products
Projectively equivariant quantization and symbol calculus: noncommutative hypergeometric functions
Projectivity of a relative Hopf module over the subring of coinvariants
Proof of a positivity conjecture of M. Kontsevich on non-commutative cluster variables
Proof of the combinatorial Kirillov-Reshetikhin conjecture
Proof of the De Concini-Kac-Procesi conjecture
Proof of the GGS Conjecture
Proof of the Kontsevich Non-Commutative Cluster Positivity Conjecture
Proof of the Labastida-Marino-Ooguri-Vafa Conjecture
PROP profile of deformation quantization and graph complexes with loops and wheels
Propagator on the h-deformed Lobachevsky plane
Properties of Khovanov homology for positive braid knots
PROPped up graph cohomology
Pseudo-Galois Extensions and Hopf Algebroids
Pseudoderivations, pseudoautomorphisms and simple current modules for vertex algebras
Pseudosymmetric braidings, twines and twisted algebras