Presenting affine q-Schur algebras
Presenting generalized q-Schur algebras
Prime ideals in certain quantum determinantal rings
Prime ideals in the quantum grassmannian
Prime ideals invariant under winding automorphisms in quantum matrices
Prime Representations from a Homological Perspective
Prime spectra of quantized coordinate rings
Primitive ideals in quantum Schubert cells: dimension of the strata
Primitive ideals in quantum SL(3) and GL(3)
Principal $\hat{sl}(3)$ subspaces and quantum Toda Hamiltonian
Principal fibrations from noncommutative spheres
Principal Realization of the Yangian Y(gl(n))
Principal realization of twisted Yangians Y(g_N)
Principal subspaces of higher-level standard sl(3)^-modules
Principle subspace for bosonic vertex operator $φ_{\sqrt{2m}}(z)$ and Jack polynomials
Produit de Moyal stochastique sur l'espace de Wiener
Projection operator method for quantum groups
Projective module description of the q-monopole
Projective modules over non-commutative tori: classification of modules with constant curvature connection
Projective representation of k-Galilei group