On triviality of the Kashiwara-Vergne problem for quadratic Lie algebras
On Twisted homogeneous racks of type D
On twisted representations of vertex algebras
On twisting of finite-dimensional Hopf algebras
On twisting solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation
On Two Proofs for the Existence and Uniqueness of Integrals for Finite-Dimensional Hopf Algebras
On two-parameter deformations of $osp(1|2)^(1)$
On unitary 2-representations of finite groups and topological quantum field theory
On universal solution to reflection equation
On Vassiliev Invariants for Links in Handlebodies
On Vassiliev Invariants not Coming from Semisimple Lie Algebras
On vertex operator realizations of Jack functions
On W-algebra extensions of (2,p) minimal models: p > 3
On W-algebras associated to (2,p) minimal models and their representations
On weak Lie 2-algebras
On Witten-type deformation of osp(1/2) Algebra
On Yetter's Invariant and an Extension of the Dijkgraaf-Witten Invariant to Categorical Groups
On Z-graded associative algebras and their N-graded modules
On Z_2-twisted representation of vertex operator superalgebras and the Ising model SVOA
One-dimensional Chern-Simons theory and the $\hat{A}$ genus