On The Structure of Quantum Super Groups GL$_q(m|n)$
On the Structure of Tame Graded Basic Hopf Algebras II
On the structure of the Witt group of braided fusion categories
On the structure of weak Hopf algebras
On the Sum Formula for Multiple q-Zeta Values
On the tensor product construction for q-differential algebras
On the tensor product of bimodule categories over Hopf algebras
On the tensor structure of BRST differential and it's application
On the trace of the antipode and higher indicators
On the triplet vertex algebra W(p)
On the Two q-Analogue Logarithmic Functions
On the unicity of braidings of quasitriangular Lie bialgebras
On the uniqueness of the moonshine vertex operator algebra
On the uniqueness of the Moyal structure of phase-space functions
On the universal enveloping algebra of a Lie-Rinehart algebra
On the universal weight function for the quantum affine algebra U_q(\hat{\mathfrak{gl}}_N)
On the variety of Lagrangian subalgebras, II
On the Vertex Operators of the Elliptic Quantum Algebra $U_{q,p}(\widehat{sl_2})_{k}$}
On the volume conjecture for hyperbolic knots
On the Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev representations of mapping class groups