On the quiver-theoretical quantum Yang-Baxter equation
On the R-matrix realization of Yangians and their representations
On the relation between $U_q(\widehat{sl(2)})$ vertex operators and $q$-zonal functions
On the relation between the A-polynomial and the Jones polynomial
On the relation between the WRT invariant and the Hennings invariant
On the relation between two quantum group invariants of 3-cobordisms
On the relation of Clifford-Lipschitz groups to q-symmetric groups
On the relation of Manin's quantum plane and quantum Clifford algebras
On the representation categories of matrix quantum groups of type $A$
On the Representation Theory of Deformation Quantization
On the semi-dynamical reflection equation: solutions and structure matrices
On the semisimplicity of cyclotomic Baruer algebras, II
On the signature of certain intersection forms
On the spectral curve of the difference Lamé operator
On the spectrum of Dehn twists in quantum Teichmuller theory
On the structure and representations of the insertion-elimination Lie algebra
On the structure of (co-Frobenius) Hopf algebras
On the structure of cofree Hopf algebras
On the structure of framed vertex operator algebras and their pointwise frame stabilizers
On the structure of quantum permutation groups