On a correspondence between quantum SU(2), quantum E(2) and extended quantum SU(1,1)
On a Deformation of $sl(2)$ with Paragrassmannian Variables
On a factorization of graded Hopf algebras using Lyndon words
On a family of Hopf algebras of dimension 72
On a Family of Non-Unitarizable Ribbon Categories
On a formula of Gammelgaard for Berezin-Toeplitz quantization
On a general analytical formula for U_q(su(3))-Clebsch-Gordan coefficients
On a generalization of Dipper--James--Murphy's Conjecture
On a graded q-differential algebra
On a Hopf operad containing the Poisson operad
On a Morita equivalence between the duals of quantum SU(2) and quantum E(2)
On a noncommutative deformation of the Connes-Kreimer algebra
On a Poisson-Lie analogue of the classical dynamical Yang-Baxter equation for self-dual Lie algebras
On a q-analog of a Sahi result
On a q-analog of the Wallach-Okounkov formula
On a q-analogue of the multiple gamma functions
On a quantum analog of the Grothendieck-Teichmueller group
On a symmetry of the category of integrable modules
On a theorem of Conant-Vogtmann
On a theorem of Kontsevich