New rational solutions of Yang-Baxter equation and deformed Yangians
New techniques for pointed Hopf algebras
New time-type and space-type non-standard quantum algebras and discrete symmetries
New twisted quantum current algebras
New types of bialgebras arising from the Hopf equation
Nichols algebras associated to the transpositions of the symmetric group are twist-equivalent
Nichols algebras of group type with many quadratic relations
Nichols algebras of unidentified diagonal type
Nichols algebras of U_q(g)-modules
Nichols-Woronowicz algebra model for Schubert calculus on Coxeter groups
Nichols-Woronowicz model of coinvariant algebra of complex reflection groups
Nilpotent fusion categories
Nilpotent representations of classical quantum groups at roots of unity
Noether's variational theorem II and the BV formalism
Non Commutative Differential Geometry, and the Matrix Representations of Generalised Algebras
Non commutative finite dimensional manifolds II. Moduli space and structure of non commutative 3-spheres
Non group-theoretical semisimple Hopf algebras from group actions on fusion categories
Non--Minimal $q$--Deformations and Orthogonal Symmetries: $U_q$(SO(5)) Example
Non-Abelian Fractional Supersymmetry in Two Dimensions
Non-Abelian Hopf Cohomology II -- the General Case --