Lie prealgebras
Lie subalgebras of differential operators on the super circle
Lie superalgebras and irreducibility of A_1^(1)-modules at the critical level
Lie theory of finite simple groups and the generalised Roth conjecture
Lie-Hopf algebras and their Hopf cyclic cohomology
Lifting central invariants of quantized Hamiltonian actions
Lifting formulas II
Lifting formulas, Moyal product, and Feigin spectral sequence
Lifting of Nichols Algebras of Type $B_2$, with an Appendix: A generalization of the q-binomial theorem
Lifting of Quantum Linear Spaces and Pointed Hopf Algebras of order p^3
Liftings of graded quasi-Hopf algebras with radical of prime codimension
Lifts of automorphisms of vertex operator algebras in simple current extensions
Limit properties of quantum twists at q->1, from semi-classical twists to noncommutative geometry
Limit theorems for the hierarchy of freeness
Limits of Gaudin algebras, quantization of bending flows, Jucys--Murphy elements and Gelfand--Tsetlin bases
Limits of Gaudin Systems: Classical and Quantum Cases
Line bundles and the Thom construction in noncommutative geometry
Line bundles on quantum spheres
Linear Connections on Graphs
Linear Connections on the Two Parameter Quantum Plane