Level-one Highest Weight Representation of $U_q[\hat{sl(N|1)}]$ and Bosonization of the Multi-component Super t-J Model
Level-One Highest Weight Representations of $U_q[\hat{gl(1|1)}]$ and Associated Vertex Operators
Level-One Representations and Vertex Operators of Quantum Affine Superalgebra $U_q[\hat{gl(N|N)}]$
Liberation of orthogonal Lie groups
Lickorish Invariant And Quantum OSP(1|2)
Lie 2-Algebras
Lie algebra automorphisms in conformal field theory
Lie Algebra of Noncommutative Inhomogeneous Hopf Algebra
Lie algebras and degenerate Affine Hecke Algebras of type A
Lie algebras and Lie groups over noncommutative rings
Lie Algebras and the Four Color Theorem
Lie algebras and Yang-Baxter equations
Lie Algebroids and generalized projective structures on Riemann surfaces
Lie bialgebra quantizations of the oscillator algebra and their universal $R$--matrices
Lie Bialgebra Structures for Centrally Extended Two- Dimensional Galilei Algebra and their Lie-Poisson Counterparts
Lie bialgebra structures on the extended affine Lie algebra $\widetilde{sl_2(\mathbb{C}_q)}$
Lie bialgebra structures on the Lie algebra $\widetilde{\frak{sl}_2(C_q[x,y])}$
Lie Bialgebra Structures on Twodimensional Galilei Algebra and their Lie-Poisson Counterparts
Lie bialgebras of generalized Witt type
Lie conformal algebra cohomology and the variational complex