Invariants and orthogonal $q$-polynomials associated with $\Bbb{C}_{q}(osp(1,2))$
Invariants for 1-dimensional cohomology classes arising from TQFT
Invariants of fibred knots from moduli
Invariants of Knots and 3-manifolds from Quantum Groupoids
Invariants of Spin Three-Manifolds From Chern-Simons Theory and Finite-Dimensional Hopf Algebras
Invariants of tangles with flat connections in their complements
Invariants of the half-liberated orthogonal group
Inverse Harish-Chandra Transform and Difference Operators
Invitation to composition
Involutions and Representations for Reduced Quantum Algebras
Involutive Yang-Baxter Groups
Involutory Hopf algebras and 3-manifold invariants
Involutory quasi-Hopf algebras
Irrational Uq(sl2)-symmetries on the quantum plane
Irreducibility and Compositeness in q-Deformed Harmonic Oscillator Algebras
Irreducibility criterion for tensor products of Yangian evaluation modules
Irreducibility of fusion modules over twisted Yangians at generic point
Irreducibility of Perfect Representations of Double Affine Hecke Algebras
Irreducibility of some quantum representations of mapping class groups
Irreducible decomposition for tensor prodect representations of Jordanian quantum algebras