Introduction to Graded Geometry, Batalin-Vilkovisky Formalism and their Applications
Introduction to Hopf-Cyclic Cohomology
Introduction to Quantum Group Theory
Introduction to quantum groups
Introduction to Quantum Lie Algebras
Introduction to Vertex Algebras
Invariance and the twisted Chern character : a case study
Invariance of the BFV-complex
Invariance quantum groups of the deformed oscillator algebra
Invariance under twisting for crossed products
Invariant *-products on coadjoint orbits and the Shapovalov pairing
Invariant bilinear forms on a vertex algebra and the radical
Invariant differential operators for quantum symmetric spaces, I
Invariant differential operators for quantum symmetric spaces, II
Invariant integration theory on non-compact quantum spaces: Quantum (n,1)-matrix ball
Invariant prime ideals in quantizations of nilpotent Lie algebras
Invariant quantization in one and two parameters on semisimple coadjoint orbits of simple Lie groups
Invariant Star Products of Wick Type: Classification and Quantum Momentum Mappings
Invariant subalgebras of affine vertex algebras
Invariant tensors for the spin representation of so(7)