Integrating morphisms of Lie 2-algebras
Integration of Cocycles and Lefschetz Number Formulae for Differential Operators
Integration of the Lifting formulas and the cyclic homology of the algebras of differential operators
Integration over compact quantum groups
Internal bialgebroids, entwining structures and corings
Interplay between Zamolodchikov-Faddeev and Reflection-Transmission algebras
Interpolation between para-Bose and para-Fermi statistics
Intertwining operator superalgebras and vertex tensor categories for superconformal algebras, I
Intertwining operator superalgebras and vertex tensor categories for superconformal algebras, II
Intertwining operators and fusion rules for vertex operator algebras arising from symplectic fermions
Intertwining operators and Hirota bilinear equations
Intertwining operators and modular invariance
Intertwining Operators And Quantum Homogeneous Spaces
Intertwining Operators of Double Affine Hecke Algebras
Intertwining vertex operators and certain representations of sl(n)^
Intrinsic Dynamics of Manifolds: Quantum Paths, Holonomy, and Trajectory Localization
Intrinsic Dynamics of Symplectic Manifolds: Membrane Representation and Phase Product
Intrinsic energy is a loop Schur function
Introduction to co-split Lie algebras
Introduction to double Hecke algebras