Formal differential operators, vertex operator algebras and zeta--values , II
Formal distribution algebras and conformal algebras
Formal GNS Construction and States in Deformation Quantization
Formal GNS Construction and WKB Expansion in Deformation Quantization
Formal symplectic groupoid of a deformation quantization
Formalite $G_\infty$ adaptee et star-representations sur des sous-varietes coisotropes
Formality and Star Products
Formality conjecture for chains
Formality for algebroid stacks
Formality for Lie algebroids
Formality of Chain Operad of Small Squares
Formality of Cyclic Chains
Formality of cyclic cochains
Formality of Koszul brackets and deformations of holomorphic Poisson manifolds
Formality of the framed little 2-discs operad and semidirect products
Formality theorem for Lie bialgebras and quantization of coboundary r-matrices
Formality theorem with coefficients in a module
Four Easy Pieces - Explicit R Matrices from the (\dot{0}_m|α) Highest Weight Representations of U_q[gl(m|1)]
Four groups related to associators
Fourier Knots