Finite-Dimensional Crystals B^{2,s} for Quantum Affine Algebras of type D_{n}^{(1)}
Finite-dimensional modules for the polynomial ring in one variable as a vertex algebra
Finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras of type $A_n$ related to the Faddeev-Reshetikhin-Takhtajan $U(R)$ construction
Finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras with alternating groups are trivial
Finite-dimensional Representations of Quantum Affine Algebras
Finite-dimensional representations of U_q[gl(2/1)] in a basis of U_q[gl(2)\oplus gl(1)]
Finite-dimensional vertex algebra modules over fixed point commutative subalgebras
Finite-dimensional vertex algebra modules over fixed point differential subfields
Finite-gap difference opeators with elliptic coefficients and their spectral curves
Finitely semisimple spherical categories and modular categories are self-dual
Finiteness of conformal blocks over compact Riemann surfaces
First and second cohomologies of grading-restricted vertex algebras
First Order Calculi with Values in Right--Universal Bimodules
First Order Optimum Calculi
First-Order Differential Calculi Over Multi-Braided Quantum Groups
Five-dimensional SU(2) AGT conjecture and recursive formula of deformed Gaiotto state
Fixed point resolution in extended WZW-models
Fixed Point Subalgebras of Extended Affine Lie Algebras
Fixed point subalgebras of lattice vertex operator algebras by an automorphism of order three
Flabby strict deformation quantizations and K-groups