Classification of infinite dimensional weight modules over the Lie superalgebra $sl(2/1)$
Classification of infinite-dimensional simple groups of supersymmetries and quantum field theory
Classification of Invariant Star Products up to Equivariant Morita Equivalence on Symplectic Manifolds
Classification of irreducible modules for the vertex operator algebra M(1)^+
Classification of irreducible modules for the vertex operator algebra M(1)^+, II: higher rank
Classification of irreducible modules for the vertex operator algebra V_L^+: General case
Classification of irreducible modules of certain subalgebras of free boson vertex algebra
Classification of irreducible modules of the vertex algebra $V_L^+$ when $L$ is a nondegenerate even lattice of an arbitrary rank
Classification of irreducible representations of the q-deformed algebra U'_q(so_n)
Classification of Ising vectors in the vertex operator algebra $V_L^+$
Classification of Left-Covariant Differential Calculi on the Quantum Group $\SLq 2$
Classification of Lie bialgebras over current algebras
Classification of linearly compact simple Jordan and generalized Poisson superalgebras
Classification of linearly compact simple N=6 3-algebras
Classification of linearly compact simple rigid superalgebras
Classification of Low Dimensional Lie Super-Bialgebras
Classification of modules of the intermediate series over Ramond N=2 superconformal algebras
Classification of osp(2|2) Lie Super-Bialgebras
Classification of PM Quiver Hopf Algebras
Classification of polarized deformation quantizations