Categorical Morita equivalence for group-theoretical categories
Categories arising from tabular algebras
Categories of holomorphic vector bundles on noncommutative two-tori
Categorification of Highest Weight Modules via Khovanov-Lauda-Rouquier Algebras
Categorification of quantum Kac-Moody superalgebras
Categorification of some level two representations of sl(n)
Categorification of the colored Jones polynomial and Rasmussen invariant of links
Categorification of the Kauffman bracket skein module of I-bundles over surfaces
Categorification of the polynomial ring
Categorifications from planar diagrammatics
Categorifications of the colored Jones polynomial
Categorified Algebra and Quantum Mechanics
Categorified quantum sl(2) and equivariant cohomology of iterated flag varieties
Categorified symmetries
Category O and sl(k) link invariants
Category of Noncommutative CW Complexes
Category of Noncommutative CW Complexes. II
Category of Noncommutative CW complexes. III
Cauchon diagrams for quantized enveloping algebras