Cyclic Cohomology, Hopf Algebras and the Modular Theory
Cyclic Cohomology, Quantum group Symmetries and the Local Index Formula for SUq(2)
Cyclic Homology of DG Coalgebras and a Kuenneth Formula
Cyclic homology of Hopf algebras
Cyclic Homology of Strong Smash Product Algebras
Cyclic homology of the Taft algebras and of their Auslander algebras
Cyclic operad formality for compactified moduli spaces of genus zero surfaces
Cyclic operads and algebra of chord diagrams
Cyclic operads and homology of graph complexes
Cyclic orders on the quantum grassmannian
Cyclotomic Birman--Wenzl--Murakami algebras, I: Freeness and realization as tangle algebras
Cyclotomic Birman--Wenzl--Murakami algebras, II: Admissibility Relations and Freeness
Cyclotomic expansion of exceptional spectral measures
Cyclotomic Nazarov-Wenzl algebras
Cyclotomy and endomotives
C_2 cofiniteness of vertex operator algebra V_L^+ when L is a rank one lattice
C_2-cofiniteness of the 2-cycle permutation orbifold models of minimal Virasoro vertex operator algebras
C_λ-extended oscillator algebra and parasupersymmetric quantum mechanics