Crystal structure of level zero extremal weight modules
Crystal structure of the set of Lakshmibai-Seshadri paths of a level-zero shape for an affine Lie algebra
Crystal structure on rigged configurations
Crystallized Peter-Weyl type decomposition for level 0 part of modified quantum algebra $\widetilde U_q(\widehat{sl_2})_0$
Crystallized structure for level 0 part of modified quantum affine algebra
Crystallographic arrangements: Weyl groupoids and simplicial arrangements
Crystals and affine Hecke algebras of type D
Crystals and coboundary categories
Crystals for Demazure Modules of Classical Affine Lie Algebras
Crystals, quiver varieties and coboundary categories for Kac-Moody algebras
Cup Products in Hopf-Cyclic Cohomology
Curved infinity-algebras and their characteristic classes
Curved noncommutative torus and Gauss--Bonnet
Cut vertices in commutative graphs
Cycle for integration for zonal spherical function of type $A_n$
Cycles for asymptotic solutions and Weyl group
Cyclic cocycles on twisted convolution algebras
Cyclic cohomology and Hopf algebras
Cyclic cohomology of Hopf algebras, and a non-commutative Chern-Weil theory
Cyclic cohomology of Lie algebras