Construction of the Reshetikhin-Turaev TQFT from conformal field theory
Constructions of vertex operator coalgebras via vertex operator algebras
Continued fraction TBA and functional relations in XXZ model at root of unity
Continuous and Twisted L_infinity Morphisms
Continuous biorthogonality of the elliptic hypergeometric function
Continuous Hecke algebras
Contraction of the G_r,s Quantum Group to its Nonstandard analogue and corresponding Coloured Quantum Groups
Contractions on the Classical Double
Contractions, Hopf algebra extensions and cov. differential calculus
Convergence of the Wick Star Product
Convergent noncommutative power series algebras and their finite dimensional representations
Convergent Perturbation Theory for a q-deformed Anharmonic Oscillator
Convergent star product algebras on "ax+b"
Convex PBW-Type Lyndon Bases and Restricted Two-parameter Quantum Groups of Type B
Convex PBW-type Lyndon Basis and Restricted Two-parameter Quantum Group of Type G_2
Convolution of invariant distributions: Proof of the Kashiwara-Vergne conjecture
Convolutions for orthogonal polynomials from Lie and quantum algebra representations
Coordinate Calculi on Associative Algebras
Coquasitriangular structures for extensions of Hopf algebras. Applications
Corepresentation theory of universal cosovereign Hopf algebras