Connes' distance function on one-dimensional lattices
Connes-Moscovici characteristic map is a Lie algebra morphism
Construct Weak Hopf Algebras By Using Borcherds Matrix
Constructibility and duality for simple holonomic modules on complex symplectic manifolds
Constructible characters and canonical bases
Constructing dynamical twists over a non-abelian base
Constructing quantized enveloping algebras via inverse limits of finite dimensional algebras
Constructing quantum vertex algebras
Constructing r-matrices on simple Lie superalgebras
Construction of Cocycle Bicrossproducts by Twisting
Construction of Covariant Differential Calculi on Quantum Homogeneous Spaces
Construction of Diffusion Algebras
Construction of Gel'fand-Dorfman Bialgebras from Classical R-Matrices
Construction of Irreducible Representations of the Quantum Super Group $GL_q(3|1)$
Construction of Nijenhuis operators and dendriform trialgebras
Construction of perfect crystals conjecturally corresponding to Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules over twisted quantum affine algebras
Construction of quantized enveloping algebras by cocycle deformation
Construction of raising and lowering operators for Uq(sl(2,R))
Construction of the Bethe State for the $E_{τ,η}(so_3)$ Elliptic Quantum Group
Construction of the generalised q-derivative operators