Configuration Space Integrals and Universal Vassiliev Invariants over Closed Surfaces
Confluence Theory for Graphs
Conformal blocks in the tensor product of vector representations and localization formulas
Conformal designs associated to free boson and lattice vertex operator algebras
Conformal Designs based on Vertex Operator Algebras
Conformal field theories associated to regular chiral vertex operator algebras I: theories over the projective line
Conformal field theory and a new geometry
Conformal field theory and mapping class groups
Conformal Modules
Conformal Orbifold Theories and Braided Crossed G-Categories
Conformal subalgebras of lattice vertex algebras
Conformal-field-theoretic analogues of codes and lattices
Congruence property and Galois symmetry of modular categories
Congruence Subgroups and Generalized Frobenius-Schur Indicators
Congruence subgroups and rational conformal field theory
Conjectured enumeration of Vassiliev invariants
Conjugate Bailey pairs
Connection Problem of Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov Equation on Moduli Space ${\mathcal M}_{0,5}$
Connections on locally trivial quantum principal fibre bundles
Connections over twisted tensor products of algebras