Compatibility of quantization functors of Lie bialgebras with duality and doubling operations
Compatibility with cap-products in Tsygan's formality and homological Duflo isomorphism
Compatible Lie brackets related to elliptic curve
Compatible Poisson-Lie structures on the loop group of $SL_{2}$
Compatible quadratic Poisson brackets related to a family of elliptic curves
Complete reducibility theorems for modules over pointed Hopf algebras
Completely positive inner products and strong Morita equivalence
Completeness of the Hypergeometric Solutions of the qKZ Equation at Level Zero
Completions of Cellular Algebras
Complex su_q(2) Dynamical Symmetry, Limiting Cases and 1-Dimensional Potential Realisation
Composition factors of Kac-modules for the general linear Lie superalgebras $gl_{m|n}$
Composition Kostka functions
Composition Series of Tensor Product
Computer Programs for Knot Tabulation
Computing Khovanov-Rozansky homology and defect fusion
Computing nonsymmetric and interpolation Macdonald polynomials
Computing SL(2,C) Central Functions with Spin Networks
Computing the Frobenius-Schur indicator for abelian extensions of Hopf algebras
Conceptual Issues for Noncommutative Gravity on Algebras and Finite Sets
Conditional expectations on compact quantum groups and new examples of quantum hypergroups