Combinatorial R matrices for a family of crystals : B^{(1)}_n, D^{(1)}_n, A^{(2)}_{2n} and D^{(2)}_{n+1} cases
Combinatorial R matrices for a family of crystals : C^{(1)}_n and A^{(2)}_{2n-1} cases
Combinatorial R-matrices for Kirillov--Reshetikhin crystals of type D^{(1)}_n, B^{(1)}_n, A^{(2)}_{2n-1}
Combinatorial Structure of Finite Dimensional Representations of Yangians: the Simply-Laced Case
Combinatorial structure of Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals of type D_n(1), B_n(1), A_{2n-1}(2)
Combinatorics and Geometry of Higher Level Weyl Modules
Combinatorics of free vertex algebras
Combinatorics of q-characters of finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras
Combinatorics of the $\hat{sl_2}$ spaces of coinvariants II
Combinatorics of the $\hat{sl}_2$ Spaces of Coinvariants III
Combined (q,h)-Deformation as a Nonlinear Map on $U_q(sl(2))$
Comment on the article arXiv 0710.0349 by Chapoton et al. titled ``An operational calculus for the Mould operad''
Comment on the differential calculus on the quantum exterior plane
Comment on ``Generalized $q$-oscillators and their Hopf structures''
Comments on Bosonisation and Biproducts
Comments on Drinfeld Realization of Quantum Affine Superalgebra $U_q[gl(m|n)^{(1)}]$ and its Hopf Algebra Structure
Comments on the Deformed W_N Algebra
Comments on the Noncommutative Geometry of Quantum Homogeneous Vector Bundles
Commutation relations among generic quantum minors in $Ø_q(M_n(k))$
Commutation relations for arbitrary quantum minors