Coinvariants for Lattice VOAs and q-Supernomial Coefficients
Coinvariants for Yangian doubles and quantum KZ equations
Coisotropic submanifolds in Poisson geometry and branes in the Poisson sigma model
Colored trees and noncommutative symmetric functions
Coloured extension of GL_q(2) and its dual algebra
Coloured Hopf algebras
Coloured Hopf algebras
Coloured Hopf algebras and their duals
Coloured Koszul duality and strongly homotopy operads
Combinatorial bases of Feigin-Stoyanovsky's type subspaces of higher-level standard $\tilde{\gsl}(\ell+1,\C)$-modules
Combinatorial bases of Feigin-Stoyanovsky's type subspaces of level 1 standard modules for $\tilde{\mathfrak sl}(\ell+1,\C)$
Combinatorial bases of Feigin-Stoyanovsky's type subspaces of level 2 standard modules for $D_4^{(1)}$
Combinatorial bases of modules for affine Lie algebra B_2^(1)
Combinatorial Bethe ansatz and generalized periodic box-ball system
Combinatorial formula for Macdonald polynomials, Bethe Ansatz, and generic Macdonald polynomials
Combinatorial formulae for nested Bethe vectors
Combinatorial Hopf algebras
Combinatorial Hopf algebras from renormalization
Combinatorial Identities Related to Representations of $U_q(\tilde{gl_2})$
Combinatorial quantisation of Euclidean gravity in three dimensions