Cocommutative Hopf algebras of permutations and trees
Cocycle Deformations and Brauer Group Isomorphisms
Cocycle deformations for liftings of quantum linear spaces
Codepth Two and Related Topics
Cofiniteness conditions, projective covers and the logarithmic tensor product theory
Cofrobenius Coalgebra
Coherent State on SUq(2) Homogeneous Space
Coherent states for Hopf algebras
Coherent states for the Legendre oscillator
Coherent States of $gl_q(2)$-covariant Oscillators
Coherent transforms and irreducible representations corresponding to complex structures on a cylinder and on a torus
Cohomological construction of quantized universal enveloping algebras
Cohomological construction of relative twists
Cohomological Properties of Differential Calculi on Hopf Algebras
Cohomological properties of the quantum shuffle product and application to the construction of quasi-Hopf algebras
Cohomologie de Chevalley des graphes ascendants
Cohomologie de Chevalley des graphes vectoriels
Cohomologie tangente et cup-produit pour la quantification de Kontsevich
Cohomology and Deformation of Leibniz Pairs
Cohomology and deformation theory of monoidal 2-categories I