Clifford Hopf-gebra and Bi-universal Hopf-gebra
Clifford theory for graded fusion categories
Clifford theory for tensor categories
Cloning SO(N) level 2
Closed String TCFT for Hermitian Calabi-Yau Elliptic Spaces
Closed subsets of the Weyl alcove and TQFTs
Cluster algebras and Poisson geometry
Cluster algebras and quantum affine algebras
Cluster algebras and Weil-Petersson forms
Cluster ensembles, quantization and the dilogarithm II: The intertwiner
Cluster structures on quantum coordinate rings
Cluster structures on simple complex Lie groups and the Belavin-Drinfeld classification
Co-Frobenius Hopf algebras and the coradical filtration
Coadjoint Poisson actions of Poisson-Lie groups
Coalgebra Extensions and Algebra Coextensions of Galois Type
Coalgebra Gauge Theory
Coalgebra-Galois extensions from the extension theory point of view
Coalgebras of words and phrases
Coassociativity breaking and oriented graphs
Coboundary Lie bialgebras and commutative subalgebras of universal enveloping algebras