Classification of quasi-trigonometric solutions of the classical Yang-Baxter equation
Classification of Quasifinite Modules over the Lie Algebras of Weyl Type
Classification of quasifinite representations with nonzero central charges for type $A_1$ EALA with coordinates in quantum torus
Classification of Quiver Hopf Algebras and Pointed Hopf Algebras of Type One
Classification of reflection matrices related to (super) Yangians and application to open spin chain models
Classification of semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension 16
Classification of simple linearly compact n-Lie superalgebras
Classification of simple modules over degenerate double Affine Hecke algebras of type A
Classification of the quantum deformation of the superalgebra $GL(1|1)$
Classification of transitive vertex algebroids
Classification of U_q(sl_2)-module algebra structures on the quantum plane
Classification of Z^2-graded modules of the intermediate series over a Lie algebra of Block type
Classification theorem on irreducible representations of the q-deformed algebra U'_q(so(n))
Classifications of Simple Novikov Algebras and Their Irreducible Modules of Characteristic 0
Clebsch-Gordan and 6j-coefficients for rank two quantum groups
Clebsch-Gordan and Racah-Wigner coefficients for a continuous series of representations of U_q(sl(2,R))
Cleft extensions of Hopf algebroids
Clifford Algebras and Spinors for Arbitrary Braids
Clifford algebras obtained by twisting of group algebras
Clifford Hopf gebra for two-dimensional space