A Dyson realization and a Holstein-Primakoff realization for the quantum superalgebra $U_q[gl(n/m)]$
A family of *-algebras allowing Wick ordering: Fock representations and universal enveloping $C^*$-algebras
A family of combinatorial identities arising form quantum affine algebras
A family of quantum projective spaces and related q-hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials
A Fedosov Star Product of Wick Type for Kähler Manifolds
A finite number of defining relations and a UCE theorem of the elliptic Lie algebras and superalgebras with rank $\geq 2$
A finiteness property for braided fusion categories
A First Sight Towards Primitively Generated Connected Braided Bialgebras
A Fock space approach to representation theory of osp(2|2n)
A formal model of Berezin-Toeplitz quantization
A formalism for the renormalization procedure
A Formality Theorem for Hochschild Chains
A Formula for the Logarithm of the KZ Associator
A functional model for the tensor product of level 1 highest and level -1 lowest modules for the quantum affine algebra U_q(sl_{2}^)
A functional-analytic theory of vertex (operator) algebras, I
A functional-analytic theory of vertex (operator) algebras, II
A functor-valued invariant of tangles
A Galois correspondence for II_1 factors and quantum groupoids
A General $q$-Oscillator Algebra
A generalised Hopf algebra for solitons