An integral form of the quantized enveloping algebra of sl_2 and its completions
An Integral PBW Basis of the Quantum Affine Algebra of Type A$_{2}^{(2)}$
An introduction to diagrammatic algebra and categorified quantum sl(2)
An introduction to quantum groups and non-commutative differential calculus
An introduction to the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism
An Introduction to the Noncommutative Sphere and some Extensions
An invariant formula for a star product with separation of variables
An Invariant of Integral Homology 3-Spheres Which Is Universal For All Finite Type Invariants
An invariant of tangle cobordisms
An invariant of tangle cobordisms via subquotients of arc rings
An isomorphism between the fusion algebras of $V_L^+$ and type $D^{(1)}$ level 2
An isomorphism theorem for Alexander biquandles
An LLT-type algorithm for computing higher-level canonical bases
An operadic approach to deformation quantization of compatible Poisson brackets
An operator-theoretic approach to invariant integrals on quantum homogeneous sl_{n+1}(R)-spaces
Analogs of q-Serre relations in the Yang-Baxter algebras
Analogues of the exponential map associated with complex structures on noncommutative two-tori
Analysis of Zeta Functions, Multiple Zeta Values, and Related Integrals
Analysis on the 2-Dim Quantum Poincare` Group at Roots of Unity
Analytic asymptotic expansions of the Reshetikhin--Turaev invariants of Seifert 3-manifolds for SU(2)