Almost-graded central extensions of Lax operator algebra
Amenability and the bicrossed product construction
An $A_\infty$-structure for lines in a plane
An $E_8$-approach to the moonshine vertex operator algebra
An $L_\infty$ algebra structure on polyvector fields
An A$_2$ Bailey lemma and Rogers--Ramanujan-type identities
An action-free characterization of weak Hopf-Galois extensions
An affine PI Hopf algebra not finite over a normal commutative Hopf subalgebra
An algebra of deformation quantization for star-exponentials on complex symplectic manifolds
An Algebra of Skew Primitive Elements
An algebra-level version of a link-polynomial identity of Lickorish
An algebraic analog of the Virasoro group
An algebraic analysis framework for quantum calculus
An Algebraic Characterization of the Affine Canonical Basis
An algorithm for computing the global basis of a finite dimensional irreducible $U_{q}(so_{2n+1})$ or $U_{q}(so_{2n})$-module
An algorithm for computing the global basis of an irreducible $U_{q}(sp_{2n})$-module
An algorithm for twisted fusion rules
An algorithm to compute the canonical basis of an irreducible Uq(g)-module
An Algorithmic Approach to Classify Knots
An alternative notion of Hopf algebroid