Affine Birman-Wenzl-Murakami Algebras and Tangles in the Solid Torus
Affine crystal structure on rigged configurations of type D_n^(1)
Affine crystals of type $D_n^{(1)}$ and Young walls
Affine crystals, one-dimensional sums and parabolic Lusztig q-analogues
Affine Geometric Crystal of type $D_4^{(3)}$
Affine Geometric Crystal of type $G^{(1)}_2$
Affine Geometric Crystals and Limit of Perfect Crystals
Affine Hecke algebras and raising operators for Macdonald polynomials
Affine Hecke algebras associated to Kac-Moody groups
Affine Kac-Moody algebras, integrable systems and their deformations
Affine modules and the Drinfeld Center
Affine nil-Hecke algebras and braided differential structure on affine Weyl groups
Affine quantum groups
Affine quantum groups and equivariant K-theory
Affine quivers of type A and canonical bases
Affine Sergeev Algebra and $q$-Analogues of the Young Symmetrizers for Projective Representations of the Symmetric Group
Affine Structures on Quantum Principal Bundles
Affine type A crystal structure on tensor products of rectangles, Demazure characters, and nilpotent varieties
Affine Weyl groups, discrete dynamical systems and Painleve equations
Affinization of category O for quantum groups