A categorical construction of 2-dimensional extended Topological Quantum Field Theory
A categorification of finite-dimensional irreducible representations of quantum sl(2) and their tensor products
A categorification of quantum sl(2)
A categorification of the Casimir of quantum sl(2)
A categorification of the Jones polynomial
A categorification of the skein module of tangles
A categorification of the Temperley-Lieb algebra and Schur quotients of U(sl(2)) via projective and Zuckerman functors
A category for the adjoint representation
A cellular braid action and the Yang - Baxter equation
A central extension of U_q sl(2,2)^{(1)} and R-matrices with a new parameter
A Characetrization of Vertex Operator Algebra L(1/2,0)\otimes L(1/2,0)
A characterization of depth 2 subfactors of II_1 factors
A characterization of interpolation Macdonald polynomials
A characterization of Morita equivalence pairs of quantales
A characterization of quantum groups
A characterization of the moonshine vertex operator algebra by means of Virasoro frames
A characterization of the rational vertex operator algebra $V_{\Zα}^{+}$}: II
A characterization of vertex operator algebras $V_{Zα}^{+}$: I
A Chen model for mapping spaces and the surface product
A class of higher order Painleve systems arising from integrable hierarchies of type A