A new Lenstra-type Algorithm for Quasiconvex Polynomial Integer Minimization with Complexity 2^O(n log n)
A New Mechanism for Maintaining Diversity of Pareto Archive in Multiobjective Optimization
A New Metaheuristic Bat-Inspired Algorithm
A new method for optimal control of Volterra integral equations
A New Optimum Tuning Method of PI Controllers in First-Order Time-Delay Systems
A New Position Control Strategy for VTOL UAVs using IMU and GPS measurements
A new secant method for unconstrained optimization
A new semidefinite programming hierarchy for cycles in binary matroids and cuts in graphs
A New Stability Result for the Feedback Interconnection of Negative Imaginary Systems with a Pole at the Origin
A Noether Theorem on Unimprovable Conservation Laws for Vector-Valued Optimization Problems in Control Theory
A non-classical class of variational problems
A non-convex variational problem appearing in a large deformation elasticity problem
A non-linear observer for unsteady three-dimensional flows
A nonlinear preconditioner for experimental design problems
A Nonlinear Small-Gain Theorem for Large-Scale Time Delay Systems
A nonmonotone spectral projected gradient method for large-scale topology optimization problems
A Note on Applications of Support Vector Machine
A Note on Extrema of Linear Combinations of Elementary Symmetric Functions
A Note on Overshoot Estimation in Pole Placements
A note on stability conditions for planar switched systems