Time Optimal Synthesis for Left--Invariant Control Systems on SO(3)
Time-dependent unidirectional communication in multi-agent systems
Time-Inconsistent Optimal Control Problems and the Equilibrium HJB Equation
Time-Inconsistent Stochastic Linear--Quadratic Control
Time-Optimal Adiabatic-Like Expansion of Bose-Einstein Condensates
Time-Optimal Frictionless Atom Cooling in Harmonic Traps
Time-Optimal solutions of Parallel Navigation and Finsler geodesics
Time-reversal and the adjoint method with an application in telecommunication
To sample or not to sample: Self-triggered control for nonlinear systems
Topics in Mitigating Radar Bias
Topological complexity of collision free motion planning algorithms in the presence of multiple moving obstacles
Total Variation Denoising on Hexagonal Grids
Total Variation Restoration of Speckled Images Using a Split-Bregman Algorithm
Towards a High Fidelity Direct Transcription Method for Optimisation of Low-Thrust Trajectories
Towards Finding the Critical Value for Kalman Filtering with Intermittent Observations
Towards ISS disturbance attenuation for randomly switched systems
Tracking control with adaption of kites
Trading Strategy Adipted Optimization of European Call Option
Trajectory tracking control for maneuverable nonholonomic systems
Transients in quasi-controllable systems. Overshooting, stability and instability