The modelling and analysis of fractional-order control systems in discrete domain
The modelling and analysis of fractional-order control systems in frequency domain
The Multi-Armed Bandit, with Constraints
The Multi-path Utility Maximization and Multi-path TCP Design
The N-K Problem in Power Grids: New Models, Formulations and Numerical Experiments (extended version)
The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Representing Lipschitz Bivariate Functions as a Difference of Two Convex Functions
The new $ν$-metric induces the classical gap topology
The Non-Bayesian Restless Multi-Armed Bandit: a Case of Near-Logarithmic Regret
The Non-Bayesian Restless Multi-Armed Bandit: A Case of Near-Logarithmic Strict Regret
The optimal assignment problem for a countable state space
The optimal control and its multiple applications
The optimal strategy for symmetric rendezvous search on K3
The positive real lemma and construction of all realizations of generalized positive rational functions
The positive semidefinite Grothendieck problem with rank constraint
The power quantum calculus and variational problems
The problem of the body of revolution of minimal resistance
The Quadratic Graver Cone, Quadratic Integer Minimization, and Extensions
The Rate of Convergence of AdaBoost
The Relaxed Stochastic Maximum Principle in Singular Optimal Control of SDEs for Mean-field Type
The Reliability Value of Storage in a Volatile Environment