Sobolev Seminorm of Quadratic Functions with Applications to Derivative-Free Optimization
Software for Generation of Classes of Test Functions with Known Local and Global Minima for Global Optimization
Solid Controllability in Fluid Dynamics
Solution of large linear systems with embedded network structure for a non-homogeneous network flow programming problem
Solutions to Monge-Kantorovich equations as stationary points of a dynamical system
Solvability of the $H^\infty$ algebraic Riccati equation in Banach algebras
Solving a Generalized Heron Problem by means of Convex Analysis
Solving Linear Problems with Finite Precision III: Sharp Expectation Bounds
Solving the additive eigenvalue problem associated to a dynamics of a 2D-traffic system
Solving the Frequency Assignment Problem by Site Availability and Constraint Programming
Solving the minimum labelling spanning tree problem using intelligent optimization
Solving variational inequalities with Stochastic Mirror-Prox algorithm
Some applications of quasi-velocities in optimal control
Some properties of minimizers for the Chan-Esedoglu L1TV functional
Some properties of the value function and its level sets for affine control systems with quadratic cost
Some Remarks on Input Choices for Biochemical Systems
Some Remarks on Real and Complex Output Feedback
Some Remarks on the Optimal Level of Randomization in Global Optimization
Some Results on Algebraic and Geometric Characterization of Linear Systems Models for Time Series Analysis
Some results on condition numbers in convex multiobjective optimization