Positive trigonometric polynomials for strong stability of difference equations
Positivity and optimization for semi-algebraic functions
Positivity of continuous piecewise polynomials
Predictability of band-limited, high-frequency, and mixed processes in the presence of ideal low-pass filters
Predictability on finite horizon for processes with exponential decrease of energy on higher frequencies
Predicting Failures in Power Grids: The Case of Static Overloads
Predictor-Based Output Feedback for Nonlinear Delay Systems
Predictors for time series with energy decay on higher frequencies
Preference fusion when the number of alternatives exceeds two: indirect scoring procedures
Price decomposition in large-scale stochastic optimal control
Price dynamics in a strategic model of trade between two regions
Pricing financial derivatives by a minimizing method
Pricing Options in Incomplete Equity Markets via the Instantaneous Sharpe Ratio
Primal-dual splitting algorithm for solving inclusions with mixtures of composite, Lipschitzian, and parallel-sum monotone operators
Probabilistic analysis of the Grassmann condition number
Probabilistic Interpretation for Systems of Isaacs Equations with Two Reflecting Barriers
Problems of maximal mean resistance on the plane
Programmation Linéaire, une nouvelle approche / Novel way in linear Programming
Progressive enlargement of filtrations and Backward SDEs with jumps
Projection methods in conic optimization