On Riccati equations in Banach algebras
On second order shape optimization methods for electrical impedance tomography
On semidefinite programming relaxations of the traveling salesman problem
On semidefinite representations of non-closed sets
On semidefinite representations of plane quartics
On shape optimization and the Pompeiu problem
On some models of many agent systems with competition and cooperation
On some rescaled shape optimization problems
On some systems controlled by the structure of their memory
On stability of continuous-time quantum-filters
On stability of randomly switched nonlinear systems
On Stochastic Gradient and Subgradient Methods with Adaptive Steplength Sequences
On Stochastic Model Predictive Control with Bounded Control Inputs
On Stochastic Reach-Avoid Problem and Set Characterization for Diffusions
On sub-ideal causal smoothing filters
On Subregularity Properties of Set-Valued Mappings. Applications to Solid Vector Optimization
On Synchronization of Coupled Hopf-Kuramoto Oscillators with Phase Delays
On the $K+P$ Problem for a Three-level Quantum System: Optimality Implies Resonance
On the Actual Inefficiency of Efficient Negotiation Methods
On the asymptotic free boundary for the American put option problem