Integer Programming and m-irreducibility of numerical semigroups
Integral Function Bases
Integral functionals on Sobolev spaces having multiple local minima
Integral Inequalities and their Applications to the Calculus of Variations on Time Scales
Integral-Input-Output to State Stability
Integral-Partial Differential Equations of Isaacs' Type Related to Stochastic Differential Games with Jumps
Integrals of Motion for Discrete-Time Optimal Control Problems
Integrated symbolic control design for nonlinear systems with infinite states specifications
Integration and Optimization of Multivariate Polynomials by Restriction onto a Random Subspace
Interactions Between the Generalized Hadamard Product and the Eigenvalues of Symmetric Matrices
Interception in differential pursuit/evasion games
Interdiction of a Markovian Evader
Intermediate integer programming representations using value disjunctions
Internal exponential stabilization to a non-stationary solution for 3D Navier-Stokes equations
Internal stabilization of the Oseen-Stokes equations by Stratonovich noise
Intractability of approximate multi-dimensional nonlinear optimization on independence systems
Introducing the Adaptive Convex Enveloping
Invariance principles for switched systems with restrictions
Invariant feedback control for the kinematic car on the sphere
Invariant higher-order variational problems II